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#1 Light Crane Manufacturer in Canada
#1 Manipulator Manufacturer in Canada

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Brake Press Manipulators

Industrial Manipulators for Brake Press

The Brake Press Manipulators use a very specialized end effector (patented), that can follow the movement of a metal sheet or plate that is being formed in a brake press. As the ram descends, the plate rises through an angle while the grippers passively comply with the travel. The brake press manipulator allows a single operator to perform operations that would normally require 2 workers. Typically the sheet is turned over 180 degrees in the process of forming.

The Brake Press Manipulators in Action

With the Brake Press Manipulator, the press brake operator does not have to press up/down push-buttons to move the arm vertically; the arm floats up down in response to the operator’s movements. While the sheet is bent in the press brake, the manipulator arm maintains its grip and continues to “float” the sheet at all times.

The sheet angle tilt is passive while the bending occurs, but becomes active outside of the press, responding to the press brake operator’s tilt up/down push-buttons, using our patented system. The sheet can be rotated 180 degrees upside down without letting go. The handlebars can be slid up down a rail so that a comfortable height can be maintained.

Have any questions about our manipulators?